iPad apps for problem solving

Higher order thinking is not what the students were consciously involved in while playing with iPad app games, but it’s what they were in fact doing. I gave my iPad to some of the boys at school one day and suddenly there was a small crowd standing around the player, intently involved and offering suggestions. I asked to film a small group of these boys demonstrating a few of the games. They were self conscious and so the natural banter and collaboration is lost but the demonstrations still stand. You can almost see the thinking process in action.


Unblock Me


Labyrinth – This one was cut short because of the glare

I think there would be a fair amount of justification for these from an educational perspective, don’t you? Physics teachers might want to look into them, for example.

Thanks, guys!



Filed under 21st century learning, play

3 responses to “iPad apps for problem solving

  1. Great ideas for speech pathologists working with the elderly too!

  2. Pingback: iPad apps for problem solving | Australian Curriculum Implementation | Scoop.it

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